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The Present


CHEPOS, Inc., is an engineering and supplies organization with a division of superior supply-forms engaged predominantly in the implementation of complete industrial plants. Two subsidiaries were formed in 1994 – CHEPOS INTERNATIONAL, Ltd. and CHEPOS BIO, Ltd.

CHEPOS – up to June 30th, 1992 known as “CHEPOS, Engineering and Supplies Organization Brno” (serving its customers since 1967) – took up its ancestors’ supplier traditions, which dated back to the 1890s. During the 32 years of its modern existence, CHEPOS has become a specialized enterprise that provides complete engineering and supply services for the building up of complete industrial plants, comprehensive operation sets, or individual production units in select areas of industrial production.


The supplies programme of the company is based on a tight cooperation with renowned machinery and equipment producers, and it uses both top domestic and top foreign technologies and know-how. Over 260 investment operations successfully launched by CHEPOS are evidence enough of its activity. Besides providing extensive supplies and services for nearly 50 prominent Czech and Slovak enterprises, CHEPOS is well-established especially with customers in the Middle East and the former Soviet Union. In addition to its extensive works in the areas of chemical, petrochemical and rubber production, CHEPOS is in the first place known to the professional public as a supplier of installments for crude oil and gas processing. During its existence, CHEPOS has built a number of refinery plants, a majority of which has been put into operation abroad.


In chronological and field-related order, our list of references gives an overview of all the business transactions done by CHEPOS. The exhaustive list illustrates sufficiently not only the history but also the experience that CHEPOS has gained in the given period.

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